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eBooks, eMags and eAudiobooks

A Buller District Libraries membership provides you with free access to eBooks, eMags and eAudiobooks through BorrowBox and Libby.


BorrowBox is an easy to use digital platform with downloadable content for adults, young adults and children. There is a wide selection of content, with a number of award winning titles on offer.

The BorrowBox app allow mobile device users to download eBooks and eAudiobooks directly onto their smart device. For users without a compatible BorrowBox device, you can download content directly to your computer.


The Libby app is a library reading app, loved by millions of readers worldwide. It is easy to use and great for readers of all ages.

Through your library membership, Libby gives you access to thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines. It’s like browsing the shelves of your library at home!

The Libby app allows you to download titles straight to your device.